Thursday, June 19, 2008

Searching for Tetris in the Holy Land

Dear Tetris fans, 
GPT has returned after a three week hiatus. I know what you're thinking --  why would anyone want to take a vacation from playing tetris, and then blogging about it?? Don't fear. The time away from my couch and laptop was not wasted. 
While in Israel, I set out on a Biblical quest for the Best Game Ever, after being informed by Pesach that there was some good Tetris to be found there. My search took me through mountains and caves, but it wasn't until we traveled to the desert that I discovered what I'd been looking for. As we descended into a waterfall oasis, I heard a rustling in the brush by the trail. I approached quietly, not wanting to disturb any creatures who might be hiding. Silently lifting aside a branch, I uncovered the rare Tetris Lizard, who gets its name because the pattern on its back resembles tetris pieces. The lizard scurried away before I could get a photo, but it was a truly spiritual moment that will not soon be forgotten. 


Anonymous said...

Hey Maya
How was Israel? Lisa actually just came back from there a few days ago. Did you tag along to any Livnot hikes?

Anonymous said...

there are certainty addicted Tetris players in Israel, considering me as one of them. how could you miss us...

we also writes about it (and about other games) in our blog. its in hebrew, but you're more than welcome to come and say hello :)